Why Everyone Should Apologize to You, the Night Owl, for Saving Humanity
Or at least say thanks once in a while
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
There goes the damn General Electric Digital Clock Radio, model 7–4612, that everyone had in their homes for decades. The stuff of nightmares, I say.
Because I was, am, and forever will be a night owl.
We, the sleepless beasts of night that hover in the dark alleys smoking, jogging around silently, closing the bars out, and writing the stories of nightmares and dreams. Or sometimes both.
I think it’s about time we are owed a simple “thank you” from humanity.
We didn’t ask for this
Thousands of years ago, when our ancestors huddled in small groups surrounded by scary woods full of dangerous creatures, they slept peacefully.
But we were awake.
Protecting the tribe, crafting our ideas, watching over them. But not in a creepy way, of course. For the most part, anyway.
When they were dreaming of gathering juicy berries in the morning, 24% of us were scribbling on the walls, drawing fascination from humans millennia in the future.