Member-only story
Strolling Through New Bamboo City (Hsinchu, Taiwan) 新竹市
A brief look through the ‘Windy City’ of Taiwan

I used to live in this city for two years while attending school half a decade ago. It wasn’t my first choice among cities in Taiwan, but it was where I ended up for school.
It’s a pretty old school kind of city, as far as Taiwan goes. What does that mean to a newbie? It’s packed full of maniacal vehicles roving around 20 hours a day through winding streets carved out centuries ago.

But that doesn’t mean it’s without its niceties. In fact, to the eager beaver out there, it becomes a fun challenge to find the hidden beauty in such a city.
You see, one of my favorite parts about many cities in Asia is that the older ones always have hundreds of little secretive alleyways.
Some so small you couldn’t walk down, some big enough to fit one car but not two (which doesn’t seem to stop drivers from trying to fit both anyway!).
These little labyrinths often lead to pleasant surprises.