AI is a Phantom Limb I Never Knew I Needed

How AI became my unseen, indispensable companion

J.J. Pryor
13 min readDec 29, 2022


A robot in love
Created by Author

I hated my university’s slogan. It was something along the lines of “Thinkers. Leaders. Doers.” It just rubbed my brain’s edges in all the wrong ways.


Blegh. I’ve never been a doer. I’ve definitely been a thinker, though. Some might even call it chronic. “What are you thinking about?” is a phrase I’ll hear at least thrice a week. Sometimes even when I don’t leave my cave. Although those moments have the mirror worrying a bit more than usual.

On a recent trip with friends, I confessed I had been thinking about where to park before we even left 2 hours prior.

“I don’t think like that,” was the reply.

“Hmm. I do. It’s the only way I can.”

But if I had to say I’m good at something, it’s conceptualizing. Organizing. And never getting around to fucking doing it. If someone gave me $1 million to make “Procrastination” my middle name, I’d chase after a blue car before they finished the question.

I mean hell, did you see the cool white stripes on it?

Then last week I listened to an episode of one of my favorite podcasts, You Are Not So Smart, and went down yet another fun rabbit hole.



J.J. Pryor

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